Monday, January 26, 2009

Rising Up

Here's my latest College Times cover. The photo that was picked for the cover wasn't my favorite. I mean, I like the photo, but I felt the background was too busy because of the reflection off the side of the light rail car. It turned out pretty well nonetheless.


Morgan said...

Hey Ryan!

I'm leaving town on Sunday but am totally free if you need an assistant for a shoot sometime this week!

me said...

I love the 3rd Shot in front of the light rail car! I need to go down there and check that out, but am still in a cast. :-(
Thank you for still reading my blog! After I get this thing off we'll have to catch up for coffee or something!

Britney Nicole said...

Wow, These are really good! Where was the second one taken at, because that looks really familiar. How have you been?

The waiter said...

I love that third shot in front of the car!! that is really nice!